With the release of Ruby 3.0, one of the most awaited feature was the release of Ractor. It is still in its experimental phase, but it shows quite big promise, especially with parallel execution of multiple Ractors (and code enclosed in it).

First, let’s do a quick recap about Concurrency and Parallelism. In Parallelism, multiple tasks can start and finish simultaneously. Each task can be executed independently without interruptions.
In Concurrency , multiple task can be started together, however, in a given time instance, only one task is actually being processed(running). Meanwhile, the other tasks sits idle, and wait to get access to the resource(processor).

Concurrency Concurrency

Parallelism Parallelism

Let’s take an example of execution of two tasks T1 and T2 as shown in the above pictures. In a concurrent system, both tasks start at time t_0, but only T1 is actually in running state, while T2 is in idle state, waiting for the access to resource. At t_1, the access switches. Now, T2 has the access to the resource and is in running state, where as T1 sits idle. The state again flips at t_3 and t_4.

The total time taken for task T1 is 5 seconds, rather than 3 seconds, because of interruptions. And, for T2, it’s 8 seconds, rather than 5 seconds. Altogether, both tasks finished in max(5, 8) = 8 seconds.

In a parallel system, both tasks T1 and T2 started together and ran simultaneously without interruptions. Both were always on running state, until termination. The time taken to finish T1 is 3 seconds, and for T2 it is 5 seconds. Altogether, both tasks finished in max(3, 5) = 5 seconds.

Brief Introduction to Ractors

Ruby so far (< 3.0.0) did not support true parallelism, because of the “Global VM Lock (GVL)”.
GVL permits only single thread to access the Ruby VM at a time, restricting multiple thread to run their code simultaneously. Multiple threads take turn to get the access to “GVL” and run their code, thus making multi-threaded program concurrent, rather than parallel.

The official doc defines Ractor as: “Ractor is a Actor-model abstraction for Ruby that provides thread-safe parallel execution.” In other to achieve that, each Ractor has its own GVL lock, and its own code running context. Ractors cannot directly access each other’s objects.

Ractors communicate with each other strictly via “send/receive (push type)”, or “yield/take (pull type)” method. They can use this communication protocol to share the objects with each other. Only shareable objects – Integer, frozen String (default in Ruby 3), ractor itself, and such – can be shared via this communication protocol1.

                  Ractor r
                 | incoming                         outgoing |
                 | port                                 port |
   r.send(obj) ->*->[incoming queue]     Ractor.yield(obj) ->*-> r.take
                 |                |                          |
                 |                v                          |
                 |           Ractor.receive                  |

            Fig: Ractor Sending and Receiving ports (from ruby/ractor.md)
# ractor send/receive
r = Ractor.new do
  message = Ractor.receive
  puts "Message received: #{message}"

r.send("Hello from the other side")
# Output: 'Message received: Hello from the other side'

# ractor yield/take
r = Ractor.new do
  Ractor.yield 42
message = r.take
puts "Message taken: #{message}"
# Output: 'Message taken: 42'

With it’s own “GVL”, and only communicating via send/receive or yield/take with each other, multiple Ractors can run in parallel without blocking each other.

To learn more in details about Ractor, the Master Doc is a good place to start.

In order to play around with Ractors and test the new true parallelism, we will benchmark it to compute factorial of numbers.

Sequential Implementation

Let’s start with sequential processing. We will write a method to compute factorial of any given number n, using the new endless method syntax in “Ruby 3.0.0”

# using Ruby 3.0.0 endless method syntax
def fact(n) = (1..n).inject(:*) || 1
puts fact(5) # => 120

To generate factorial of up to n = 5000 numbers sequentially, we can simply loop n times and call the fact method.

@result_seq = TOTAL_COUNT.times.map do |i|

Multi-Thread Implementation

To use mulit-thread for the factorial generation, we will use thread safe Queue data structure and its pop() method. We will first fill up the queue with the input numbers. Then, we will create 5 worker threads, that will pop the numbers from the queue (which is thread safe), and compute its factorial.

If the queue is empty?, then by default the pop() method will suspend the calling thread and wait until a number is pushed into the queue again. In our case, empty queue means we have finished our tasks of computing factorial of all the input numbers, and our worker threads should be terminated.

We achieve this with queue.pop(true). By passing true, the pop method becomes non-blocking operation, and it will raise ThreadError when the queue is empty. We will rescue the ThreadError, and do nothing, which will terminate the thread gracefully.

queue = Queue.new
TOTAL_COUNT.times do |n|
  queue << n # fill up the queue with numbers

@result_threads = []

workers = MAX_WORKERS.times.map do
  Thread.new do
      while n = queue.pop(true) # raises error when queue empty
        @result_threads << fact(n)
    rescue ThreadError
      # queue has been processed, exit thread

Multi-Ractor Implementation

Finally, let’s try Ractor based multiple workers. We will create 5 ractor workers, and pass the input number to each ractor worker via the send method, like we discussed in the introduction before. This will push the passed number into the ractor’s incoming queue, from which the receiving ractor will pop the number n, one at a time, with Ractor.receive method. It will then calculate the factorial of popped number n with, fact(n).

In the end, we collect the results (factorial of all input numbers), with the method Ractor.select. The select() method accepts list of ractors as an argument and listens to the each ractor's outgoing port. It returns any first ractor that has something in it’s outgoing port, defined by _r in our example code, and along with it the object yielded by the same returned ractor, defined by result in our example code. We are interested in the result part, which we collect and then sort.

workers = []

workers = MAX_WORKERS.times.map do
  Ractor.new do
    while n = Ractor.receive
      Ractor.yield fact(n)

TOTAL_COUNT.times do |n|
  workers[n % MAX_WORKERS].send(n)

@result_ractors = TOTAL_COUNT.times.map do
  _r, result = Ractor.select(*workers)


Putting all the above implementation together (see below for full code), and running the benchmark, produced following results.

Rehearsal -------------------------------------------------------
Sequential           10.883678   0.327006  11.210684 ( 11.222835)
Threads (5-workers)  11.272800   0.249546  11.522346 ( 11.533432)
Ractors (5 workers) <internal:ractor>:267: warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues.
 17.856913   5.290015  23.146928 (  7.181732)
--------------------------------------------- total: 45.879958sec

                          user     system      total        real
Sequential           12.184099   0.452136  12.636235 ( 12.648889)
Threads (5-workers)  12.506612   0.606289  13.112901 ( 13.124167)
Ractors (5 workers)  18.147833   4.863485  23.011318 (  7.221413)

The sequential implementation finished in 12.648899 seconds, which is a bit faster (1.037 times) than multi-threaded implementation, which finished in 13.124167 seconds. The multi-threaded implementation is slower than sequential because of the contention for the GVL between the worker threads, during the execution (concurrent).

The clear winner, by far, is ractor based implementation. It took only 7.221413 seconds, which is 1.75 times faster than the sequential implementation, and 1.81 times faster than the multi-thread implementation.

One interesting observation that we can see is that, in case of Ractor implementation, the total CPU time, user (18.147833) + system (4.863485) = 23.011318 seconds, is way higher than the real clock time 7.221413 seconds. I was curious about it and wanted to know the Why?.

I asked the Internet and found some answers that said, if the real time < user time, the process took advantage of multi-cores and parallel execution 2. And also, when the ratio of CPU time / real time is greater than 1, the number symbolized (roughly) the number of usage of cores in multi-core processor3. The ratio (CPU time / real time) in case of the Ractor implementation is 3.18 (23.011318 / 7.221413), which means probably 3 CPU core was used during the execution of process. My machine is Quad-Core. ¯\(ツ)

I did an easy check by monitoring my machine cores during the program execution with htop, and I could see that the cores were being used way more during ractor workers execution, than during threads workers. And the number of threads running during Threads implementation were 2, where as during Ractors implementation, it were 6. My guess, 5 threads for each ractor workers, as defined in our code, and 1 for the main program? ¯\(ツ)

I would love to hear from others, if they know better explanation about real time vs CPU time, or any pointers where I could look into.

Thread Execution htop during thread execution

Ractor Execution htop during ractor execution


Ractors is clearly faster and brings true parallelism to Ruby. However, we need to wait for its final stable release, along with its adoption in all of the popularly used gems (e.g., rails, sidekiq, sequel), before we can take full benefit of its speed from parallelism. And well, that could take some time. :-)

  1. The benchmarking was done with “RUBY_VERSION = 3.0.0” on an iMac (Processor: “4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7”), Memory: “32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3”)
  2. Ractor is not yet stable. It crashed sometimes, when I first created large number of independent threads (Thread.new), before creating ractors (Ractor.new). Screenshot
  3. We didn’t look into Fiber and Process fork.

Full Implementation

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'benchmark'

def fact(n) = (1..n).inject(:*) || 1

Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
  x.report("Sequential") do
    @result_seq = TOTAL_COUNT.times.map do |i|

  x.report("Threads (#{MAX_WORKERS}-workers)") do
    queue = Queue.new
    TOTAL_COUNT.times do |n|
      queue << n # fill up the queue with numbers

    @result_threads = []

    workers = MAX_WORKERS.times.map do
      Thread.new do
          while n = queue.pop(true) # raises error when queue empty
            @result_threads << fact(n)
        rescue ThreadError
          # queue has been processed, exit thread

  x.report("Ractors (#{MAX_WORKERS} workers)") do
    workers = []

    workers = MAX_WORKERS.times.map do
      Ractor.new do
        while n = Ractor.receive
          Ractor.yield fact(n)

    TOTAL_COUNT.times do |n|
      workers[n % MAX_WORKERS].send(n)

    @result_ractors = TOTAL_COUNT.times.map do
      _r, result = Ractor.select(*workers)

puts "*" * 10
p @result_seq.take(6) # => [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
p @result_threads.take(6) # => [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
p @result_ractors.take(6) # => [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
p [@result_ractors, @result_threads, @result_ractors]
    .each_cons(2).map {|a, b| a == b}.all? # => true

Ractors Crash

Ractor Crash Ractor Crash
